What’s Happening?
Broomfield City Council Focus Session
March 1st and 2nd 2024, Broomfield Cresent Grange
Rick Fernandez of Broomfield Taxpayer Matters talks with KOA’s Ross Kaminsky about Immigrant Friendly Cities
Rick Fernandez represents Broomfield Taxpayer Matters. Rick joined Ross Kaminsky on 850 KOA on February 28, 2024 to talk about the radical agenda that the Broomfield City Council is pushing in their Focus Session March 1st and 2nd, 2024 (where they will NOT allow public comment.). Ross and Rick and focused on Council Item #5 "Immigrant Friendly Cities Programming"...though there's plenty of other lunacy to discuss as well.
The Broomfield City Council is holding its annual “focus session” on March 1st and 2nd at the Broomfield Cresent Grange, 7901 W 120th Ave, Broomfield CO.
We will be there as well to observe their discussion. We are asking you to attend the meeting as well to see and hear what the City Council’s intentions are.
The City Council will discuss the following topics during their focus session:
March 1st, 9AM - 5:15PM
Community Air Quality Monitoring Program
Self-Sufficient Wage
Rental Registration Program
Best Value Contracting
March 2nd, 9:30AM - 12:00PM
Immigrant Friendly Cities Programming - DEAI efforts, Workforce Development and Emergency Operation Plans
Note that while the meeting is open to the public, the City Council will not allow for public comment during the focus session.
Please plan to attend a portion or all of the meeting as your interest and schedule may allow. Please use the form below and let Broomfield Taxpayer Matters that you plan to attend.
** Note that this website and the form provided below is managed by Broomfield Taxpayer Matters. This webpage is not associated any way with the City and County of Broomfield or the Broomfield City Council.
YES, as concerned citizen, I plan to attend the Broomfield City Council’s Focus Session on March 1st and 2nd, 2024.
This webpage and form is managed by Broomfield Taxpayer Matters. This webpage is not associated with the City and County of Broomfield or the Broomfield City Council.