Broomfield Taxpayer Matters Questions on Broomfield’s 2025 Annual Budget
Updated: January 25, 2025
Why should you be interested in the City and County of Broomfield budget?
Broomfield Taxpayer Matters believes that if you give your money to the City and County of Broomfield (CCOB), then you should know how your money is being spent.
To that end, we are working to help you, the public, understand Broomfield’s 2025 Annual Budget for both the operational budget and the funding and anticipated costs for Broomfield’s Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) from your perspective as taxpayers.
For Broomfield’s 2025 Annual Budget, we posed 50 questions across these areas to the CCOB City Staff and Finance Department. The questions are focused on a number of aspects in the City’s budget that are not clear, items that require clarifications, and areas that we find questionable.
Below is a brief timeline of the steps thus far related to Broomfield’s 2025 Annual Budget. In general., the CCOB City Staff has been responsive to our initial list of questions, providing answers by mid November 2024. We submitted additional comments and follow ups to the City Staff at the end of December based on those responses, and we will update this website with those responses when available.
The timeline below provides a summary of these interactions, along with the corresponding document links directly below the timeline for your reference and review.
What questions did Broomfield Taxpayer Matters submit?
We’ve made our questions we submitted to the CCOB available here. As you read our initial questions to the CCOB, you will notice that we raise concerns related to the city’s budget and the impacts that the Council’s policies have on Broomfield’s family budgets, business, and personal finances.
We raise questions about the city’s budget as per-citizen spending for Operations, Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), and Debt Servicing has grown from $2,702/person in 2017 to $5,284/person in 2024 and $4,465/person in 2025. (see table below, from page 2 of our question document)
This spending is being “funded” by historically high property taxes, increasing water tap fees and water rates, and an alarming growth in public debt that is expected to increase by ~$170 Million in the near future (see graphic below; data source - 2025 Proposed Annual Budget.
How did the City and County of Broomfield respond?
The Broomfield City Staff provided responses to our questions, and we thank them for that. While we appreciate their response, we have remaining and additional concerns based on those responses which we outline in our follow up document.
Here is a summary of our concerns based on their responses:
We are concerned that the answers provided to several of the questions referred to the current 2025 Annual Budget document, shown on their website; which is different than the 2025 Proposed Annual Budget which we based our questions on. While we appreciate the references to the 2025 Annual Budget, this is very confusing because the 2025 Proposed Annual Budget document that we reviewed for our questions is no longer available on the broomfield.org budget webpage.
(We have a saved copy of the 2025 Proposed Annual Budget which we have made available to the public.)
Many responses to the questions provided by the CCOB either did not answer the question and/or requires additional clarification.
A few responses referred to other documents, staff memos, or city council meetings for the answers. As we reviewed these documents, in many cases, answers were not provided in those referenced documents. In the spirit of transparency, we have provided follow-ups on those questions.
A number of questions reference incorrect tables / figures, especially as it relates to the water fund, sewer fund, and water reclamation fund. We respectfully ask that they confirm that our responses to the answers provided on several questions have the proper references (i.e. - see question #11(b) in our follow up document).
We see substantial future increases in the enterprise commitments that are not accounted or budgeted for (see questions #41, 42 in our follow up document). In these areas, we are asking for additional clarification on how the CCOB anticipates funding these future commitments.
We are concerned that there is no public information available regarding the long-term strategic plan for the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), beyond the 5 Year CIP. There are a number of future growth projects, mandates, and obligations with significant funding requirements to complete those projects. The community deserves to understand and review what the City’s long term strategic budget plan is, especially for the long-term projects even if there is not an fully vetted estimate.
We also ask throughout our questions why the “Actuals” in the proposed budget are not tied to the audited budget, known as the Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFR), and are told that a budget is just a point in time. In our view, the audited financials in the 2023 ACFR should used and/or referenced in the City’s 2025 Annual Budget. Rather than this being the case, the CCOB response indicates that “Both the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and the Budget represent two (2) different periods and financial reporting information. The ACFR reflects the actuals for the prior fiscal year.” (see question #9(a) in our follow up question document). It is our view that the CCOB should be able to correlate 2023 actuals in their 2025 budget numbers Which we think should be the audited numbers, just as we file income tax reports to the Internal Revenue Service every year which is based on the time period from January 1 and ending on December 31. This is a primary example as to why it is incredibly difficult for the public to assess what Broomfield is doing with your tax dollars to fund their budget when the budget is not correlated with previous year actual audited results.
At the bottom of this page, we have provided a few examples of, questions, responses, and follow up that we are engaged with the City and County of Broomfield so that you, the taxpayer, can review yourself.
So what’s next?
We submitted our follow up comments, concerns, and questions to the Broomfield Staff and Broomfield Council on December 30, 2024, which you can review here.
Update as of January 24, 2025. We have received the City and County of Broomfield responses to our questions. You can review their response document here.
And, as always, don’t take our word for what we are asking or what we are summarizing here. Be active and engaged, and follow up with us or with the CCOB on the questions that you have.
Sample Questions, Responses, and Follow Ups
Below are some select questions from follow up document that was submitted by Broomfield Taxpayer Matters to the City and County of Broomfield which includes our questions, the City’s responses, and our follow up comments and questions.
Question 1: CCOB Additions to Reserves
Question 9(a): Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and City and County of Broomfield Budget discrepencies
Question 11(a), 11(b): Revenue and Expense Categories for Water Fund Budget
Question 17: CCOB Bond Rating As Related to Increased Water Rates