Broomfield Taxpayer’s Mission is to raise the awareness of Broomfield taxpayers of by arming them with information regarding the policies of the City and County of Broomfield that impact us civically and financially.

We empower citizens to ask the hard questions, demand truth and accuracy, and request changes in the public policies of our municipal government and elected officials that limit citizens’ economic and personal freedoms.

In that spirit, we hosting our MAY ACTION EVENT where you can learn more about how YOU can make your voice heard:

"Build a Coalition."

May 25, 2024 from 1-3pm. Check-in begins at 12:30pm

(Event Location will be sent after sign up and RSVP verifications are completed.)

Do you want to learn about how to reach out to your neighbors, host a neighborhood event, or bring people together to discuss key issues and ideas facing our community? Then this event is for you!

Please take a moment to register below for this next Make Your Voice Heard event, you won't want to miss it!

Yes, I am interested in joining the “Make Your Voice Heard” action event.

Event details will be provided following verification of your reservation*

* Broomfield Taxpayer Matters is a 501(c)4 organization. We reserve the right to accept or reject any reservation request for this event.